Ideas worth spreading | Ideen, die es Wert sind, verbreitet zu werden
Ideas dignas de difundir | Idées qui méritent d’être diffusées
5 INCREDIBLE Machines for Manufacturing at Home
Five incredible machines for manufacturing at your home workshop. THUMBNAIL is the 5th product in the video 0:07 ➤ WAZER Desktop Waterjet Cutter- 2:39 ➤ Dobot M1 Robotic Arm - 5:44 ➤ Maslow CNC Cutting...
Innovations that made expensive things cheap: a 50-cent microscope that folds like origami
Manu Prakash Innovations that made expensive things cheap: a 50-cent microscope that folds like origami Innovationen, die teure Dinge billig machten: Ein 50-Cent-Mikroskop, das sich wie Origami faltet Innovaciones que hicieron que las cosas caras fueran baratas: un...